Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Mental Image, The Visible Image, The Constructed Image

I would like to think that I have a photographic memory. I must if I am a photographer. Or at least I think I should. Never the less, my memory allows for me to call up visual memories that are in the form of snap shots and photographs. Often times I can remember in great detail things, moments, and places in my life. It is a very comforting feeling to have this ability. Because at times I do not always have a camera. And for the most part those are times I wish I had brought one with me. Its not every day that a situation occurs where I find myself wishing I had a camera to document a moment. But when that time does come, or there is a moment in which I would use my camera to record that moment, I find myself making mental photographs. Images I stored and keep close to my heart so I can upload them at any point and time and remember them. Below is a description of a moment in which I would have loved to have had one of my cameras.

The Mental Image

Her hair was soft with curls never before seen. Her face light up with every smile. The light illuminated parts of her face, leaving her eyes in the shadows. In that moment I wished I had my camera to capture the aesthetic qualities that made up this beautifully composed scene. Every few minutes she would sit back, just enough for the light to catch her eyes. Glowing back at me from across the table, again she would smile. Smile with her eyes. Her smiles change frequently. Each one expressing a different laugh, emotion, or thought. The side light mounted on the wall, casts deep shadows. Shadows that some times covered her eyes, just begging for a chance to see them. Through the curls of her soft hair that occasionally fall in front of her face I catch glimpses of contentment and genuine happiness. An empty glass of ice tea stands next to a half full glass of water. My cup, half full of ice slowly melts as I occasionally reach for a sip of water. The table having been cleared a long while ago is anything but empty. Great conversation, tender moments, soft words, excitement, and laughter filled the table. Occasionally a mitten appears from under the table in a playful manner. I, on the other hand sit poised listening intently to the words spoken. Seeing this scene in front of me, I knew this was a moment that I will remember. Compliments were exchanged. Words said to one another that make for a nice feeling. A welcoming feeling. A familiar feeling.

This is how I can visualize the moment a few nights ago. Like I said, it would have been nice to have made a photograph of the moment. But at the end of the night, when I can recall this image and view it as many times as I would like, who needs a camera?

The Visual Image

The photograph is a visual element that allows us to see what has happened or has been created. A visual image can include anything we see or create. Visual images are ones that we see with our eyes and interpret with our minds. You could explain to someone that a fire took place and you saw it happen. You could try your best to describe the event, how it looked, what you saw, how you felt when witnessing the event.DSC_0595 But, sometimes seeing this for ourselves really gives us a sense of appreciation. I could tell you that I saw a fire happen. I could explain that I saw a fire fighter be knocked over by the force of water escaping a hose like a geyser.





But, if you cant visualize it, what good is the description? When you present a visual image, a photograph. You are giving a chance to show what you saw and how you saw it. A glimpse of what you were seeing, which maybe different than what other people were seeing. A photograph is worth a thousand words. Without a visual image your left with an empty description.

The Constructed Image

Constructing an image commands a lot more attention than just making a snap shot. It is about how you arrange and place the elements within a composition. It is about how you construct a visual image for people to see. At times it is about taking nothing and making something from it.Couch This is an example of a constructed image. A torn leather couch sitting in an ally way. Passing by seeing this element became an image. Using my camera to photograph this element becomes a constructed image. You maybe thinking, “well don’t all images become constructed at one point or another?” This can be apparently true in some situations, where as others are more intuitive vs. being well thought out. Yes, making a photograph can be perceived as constructing an image. However there are times where the thought process for making an image is a totally different mindset. Which allows us to differentiate photographs into various categories.

Intuitive images: Knowing and anticipating where to shoot and look.

DSC_0001  e (57) DSC_0001  e (56)

Constructed Images: Positioning yourself and your subject/s to make a photograph.

DSC_0001  e (163)  DSC_0001  e (5)

However you look at it, as long as photographs are being made, we are all happy…





Thursday, December 17, 2009

Landscape of Memories

Photographs can be visual memories that conjure up thoughts and feelings that tantalize, sadden, and at times fill us with emotions. A photograph made from an emotional response has a personal quality that only we the photographer (artist) can understand. That is unless you share the memory.

Landscape of Memories II

Landscape of Memories

Over the past month I have been working on a project that has brought me to familiar places. Places I have know for many of years. Places that I have photographed before, yet have had no real memory of or connection to. Part of my project has been about using film as a basis for getting away from the static every day use of digital. Film holds a nostalgic quality. A quality that can also be found in memories.  Film is more tangible than digital photography. From before you make a photograph, you are holding a piece of the photograph. I find that using film for my project gives more depth and dimension than shooting with digital.




My project is on going. It has been for some time now. New memories have created new images. Images I feel should be shared, shared with the people who carry the same memories.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Photoshop Tutorial: Smart Sharpening

I came across this great article about smart sharpening on Earth Bound Light. As a former re-toucher for a major studio, there were a few times in which I needed to use the smart sharpening filter. It made a world of a difference. It is something I suggest using if you have an image that has some blur to it.


Besides being very much consumed with photographing for clients, setting up a successful studio warming party, and forging new and exciting relationships, I have been shooting film. Last Sunday I went out, made some photographs using some color film and this is what I came up with.

Sunday in Noho Sunday in Noho (2) Sunday in Noho (3) Sunday in Noho (4) Sunday in Noho (5) Sunday in Noho (6) Sunday in Noho (7) Sunday in Noho (8) Sunday in Noho (9) Sunday in Noho (10) Sunday in Noho (11) Sunday in Noho (12) Sunday in Noho (13) Sunday in Noho (14)

There are dust spots that I think add character to the semi nostalgic quality that these images have.  I have been trying not to post personal work on Lenshare any more. But I feel it gives an insight into what I have been up to. As a portrait photographer, I love photographing people. As an artist, I also love photographing people. And I would just like to add, I apologize for being so scarce the past few weeks. 2010 has a lot of changes to come. Lenshare will be seeing a new format and layout as well as even great content! I hope you will be as excited as I am.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Photo Weeks

Over the past few weeks I, as well as my business partner have been very very busy. Our studio is finally complete. All the painting is done, the walls are fresh with paint and the hall way leading to our studio has a new paint job, as well as some art work going up. I have not chosen to speak to much about the business side of what I have been doing on Lenshare.

So, let me take a moment to introduce our business. True Resolution, is the business that we have incorporated this past year. Myself and Tim Lastowski have formed a partnership and co-own the business. As a business we photograph people, portraits, weddings, and a list of other services we are very much capable of producing for our clients.

Setting up our business and studio has been a fun and exciting challenge. It has by no means been an easy feat. But, it is something I have been preparing for years now. I have loved every minute of it. Establishing the business has brought some challenges. 1. Being unable to devote the time I want to, to Lenshare. I have a few articles that I am in the process of writing and have been slight distracted from as the business has picked up. 2. I have a few other projects that I have been working on that have kept my attention away briefly. But, I am back into the swing of things now. With great news! One of my biggest projects has just been noticed by a publication. The publication is going to feature the project, as well as send someone out to interview us. Stay tuned for this feature!

The following are some samples of images we have been shooting. From portraits to weddings.
















 21 a


Wedding 238

 Wedding 243

 Wedding 260






Kyle Eylssa 10_24 (261)

 Kyle Eylssa 10_24 (267)

 Kyle Eylssa 10_24 (268)

 Kyle Eylssa 10_24 (271)