The title is more or less supposed to be a whimsical joke. I haven't really left. I apologize for having not made an article in such a long period of time. It comes with very good reason as to why I have been so absent. The first major issue that I had to tackle was the loss of a computer. Three or so weeks ago my process melted to my hard drive in my pc. Sounds horrible, doesn't it? Well, it is more or less one of the worst things a photographer can go through besides a camera failure or break/loss. Short story explained, massive shoot, same night computer goes down, next day spent figuring problem out, following day hard drive replaced in new external case and the purchase of a brand new, very sleek, ultra sexy iMac. I went from pc to iMac and have not regretted it one bit.
The next major issue I have had to face is the software I used to use to write my articles. I used to use Windows Live Writer for all my articles for Lenshare and for It has taken me a little over a week to find the write piece of software to use to write for my blogs. I sure do miss Live Writer, however, I am hoping that Blogo works the same for my Mac as Writer did my for my pc.
The next and most exciting reason as to what I have been so unavailable to write my articles is.... THE NEW studio location we have just entered. We have moved from our previous location, a former office space to a much more contemporary studio located in a beautiful former mill building, located in a very industrious city. Holyoke, MA is a former industrial city bouncing back from a period of social and economical decline. Which makes our new location a post-industrial contemporary studio. The photo below shows one part, a very interesting feature in our space.
This view is a rarely seen view of city hall and the pack, (that is through this door). Below are a few other images from the building.
The following image was made from a different location within our building. There is a secondary section that used to be a rubber factory.
These windows occupied the space that we are now in. It was these very windows, my search, and need for them that lead me to the interior of this building.
My next article will be featuring a group of portraits I made in the new space. I am not going to get into any detail about this next article at the moment. Please stay tuned for more to come.