Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Tougher Side

In a previously written post, I had mentioned having had a computer melt down. Literally, thats how it went down. There are certain, how shall I say it, not so positive, very un-condusive problems that can arise from needing to replace your entire computer network. Basically the system I had, need to be completely replaced. Which is fine, totally wanted a new and much faster mode of post-production, but when it is sudden and comes with a detrimental force, it can cause a ripple in your work flow. It did just that. Having rebounded from the backed up work, I am still left without a blogging software comparable to what I was using to write for Lenshare and Holyokeinphotos Windows Live Writer allowed me to do things that no other software has thus far. Granted, if I was using Wordpress, this article would not exist. But, I am to suffer till I find the happy medium I once had.

Here are a few shots from the shoots I've done over the past few weeks.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Photo Talk

Two days ago I visited the William Baczek gallery in Northampton Ma. When this gallery comes up in discussion, more often than not, the conversation leads to this gallery being one of the best in Western Ma. I typically take 1-2 trips in a month to admire the new work that is up. Friday evening when I walked in the door I was greeted with some familiar pieces and a few new pieces that I have yet to see. Moments after I made my way into the second room, the woman behind the desk approached me. Soft spoken, kind and gentle words, she politely asked me not to make any photographs of the art work. In a state of serious disbelief that I was just asked this, I responded by asking if this was a frequent problem. A quick conversation developed about the idiocy that people have been developing over the past few months. Apparently people think it is ok to wallace into a gallery and take their point and shoot out and snap a picture of a piece of art. I expressed that the thought of duplicating a painting had never entered my mind and that I think it was ridiculous someone would do such a thing. Making a picture of a picture, painting, piece of art, etc is copy right infringement. I asked if they enforced deleting the picture before the person left the gallery. To which she responded with a wide eyed yes. She even explained a for instance when a woman didnt know how to use her camera and she had to go through it with the cameras owner to try and figure out how to delete the image. I really was in disbelief that people have the nerve to walk into such a prominent gallery and take a picture of the work hanging up. I commend the woman for having approached me and informed me not to do so. Even though I would never do such a thing.

After browsing the art that is hanging on the walls, I further engaged in conversation with the woman behind the desk. She saw my camera, draped around my shoulder half hidden behind me, for the second time and asked me if I am a photographer. To her question I responded with a yes. After our conversation, during my walk around the town, I began to think about her question. Just because you have a camera, does this make you a photographer? To this, I say no. Just as much as having a bike, doesn't mean you're a cyclist. To the average person with a camera, they take pictures. Mere snapshots, if you will. Photographs, represent more than just a simple snapshot. Cameras are a tool for pictures and photographs. Pictures and photographs differ in numerous ways. A subject for another discussion. However, just entering a fine arts gallery can make an impact on how we think about more than just the subject of art within the context of the walls holding the pieces. It can lead us to a more subjective and literal meaning on other subjects. In my case, it was photography.

Since I am discussing art, galleries, and photography all in one post, here is a panorama of a sculpting studio I made just over a month ago.

Friday, July 2, 2010

A thought...

Summer has been upon us for a few weeks now. We have had a few days leading up to these warmer days that were pretty intense in terms of the heat. But now that summer is actually here, I mean the real days of summer, I have a thought. Every year a few weeks prior to the 4th of July people break out the fireworks and start to enjoy summer. It usually takes a week or two after the 4th for the independent displays of fireworks and celebrations to come to a stop. But for those few weeks, the sounds of the fireworks going off in neighborhoods across the area, the brilliant displays that illuminate the summers night sky, those are the moments that define what summer is becoming. Each year I await these moments to come, to bring about a set of memories of my childhood, images that I recall as a child having created in my mind. Sadly, this year I think I will have made it to one display of fireworks and that was last week. No doubt the images I created last week will occupy my mind till I can no longer envision then. But last year, last summer, last 4th of July, I created a set of images that will not soon disappear.

I am of course speaking purely of images representing memories. After all a photograph can be both one that is tangible, the image we capture and hold in our hands, or it can be the mental image that we capture with just our eye and hold within us. It is the image that only we can see and hold. This summer, this 4th of July will not compare to last year. A few reasons. One being the most obvious is the workload that I am investing a great deal of time into. This summer holds for me 3 exhibitions. After having finally getting my computer situation all figured out, or so I though, I was faced with yet another dilemma. My film scanner and my new iMac are not working together as they should be. Small detail that shouldn't have happened that really put a twist to my September exhibition. But never the less, things work out as they need to.

Below are a few sample images to show what I have been working the past few weeks. A lot of new work has been done. I have been pushing the boundaries in terms of what I have been trying to convey. This was a very simple article that turned into a little bit more. I am writing a very informative article that will be posted shortly.