Sunday, June 29, 2008


I haven't made a post in a few days due to overly busy and jam packed schedule I have had. So, here is a photograph I made last week. I recently started creating actions in photoshop. I have been having quite a blast making and using them. I can thank two people for the idea. One would be my good photography contact and excellent photographer Sharyl Widberg and two my boss at the studio. Both have been an inspiration. So thanks guys!

Ok, now back to this new snazzy photoshop action stuff. Here is a photograph that I shot last week. I did not shoot it like this. It was just a straight photograph when I made it. But I used one of my new top secret, ultra cool, and some what snazzy action to get this image. I have been testing and creating new actions like crazy.

Actions make life alot easier when it comes to editing. You simply hit play and bada bing bada boom in seconds you have what could of taken a few minutes to do. In a nutshell creating an action is simple. Once you have the file open, you just hit the little record button on the actions menu. ( Actions/History box. ) Do all the steps involved that you want as an action. When you are done you just hit the stop button, and there you have it, a photoshop action. Now, go out and create some actions and have some fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, look at this, I get a shout out!! You better share these actions with me!! HAHAHA