Monday, July 21, 2008

A Stormy Sunday Evening

Sunday evening I walked down the path of a spot I frequently visit. I could hear the rumble of thunder off in the distance. With my camera attached to my tripod and rested on my shoulder as I walked, I stop briefly to align my self with my surroundings. I stand poised ready to shoot the first thing I see. Having no luck composing a
photograph out of the existing landscape I move forward down the path. I am anticipating a powerful storm. Off in the distance I can hear the clap of thunder grow louder as I walk closer to find a view of the mountain. The sky has begun to grow very dark as the approaching storm got closer and closer. Not seeing any lightening yet, I move further down the path getting closer to the river. Sweat pours down my face. It was an extremely hot day. The weather all day was very odd. Our area was circled with storms but never touching down in our city. The closer I got to the river, the more I could hear the storm approaching. A gentle breeze has now turned into a faster moving breeze bring the water quickly ashore.

As quickly as the storm had begun to approach, it began to change directions and head opposite of where I was standing. I began to walk around see what I had to work with. There is a rich amount of history on the river banks of Western Ma. You can produce some amazing photographs given the right time of day and conditions.

I made it as far as I was willing to go. I came across a no trespassing sign and was not about to push my luck. Another reason besides the sign was I could hear oldies music playing in the area. I was unaware of any house in the area and was mildly freaked out by the type of music I was hearing. It reminded me of a scene right out of a horror movie. I made a few photographs of the area and turned to make my way back. By now the storm had completely vanished from our area. I was now in search of the perfect composition not just the perfect composition including a storm.

I made my way down to the dock and began to shoot the dock and the surrounding landscape. I am unaware of why this dock is there. The water is only about 5 inches deep. Before I had a chance to venture onto the dock there was a couple there enjoying the distant storm, sipping glasses of wine and relaxing as their Sunday was about to come to an end. Shortly after I began to shoot the beginning of the dock, they got up and made their way off the dock, leaving me the peace to shoot what I saw at my will. After some time I began to just lounge around and watch as the water and time passed. The better part of my time spent down there was on the dock. Just trying to document that I was there and what I was seeing as I stood there. I like to believe that I can separate myself from the numerous amounts of people that could have possibly made photographs in the same possible spot I was standing. But I know that even though I have made a dynamic composition there could be ten more that look just like it. However, just the mere fact that I was at peace and shooting an area that is just very beautiful made me feel more relaxed and calm.

I guess I have said all that I have had to say about my Sunday evening shooting. So I will leave you with more pictures instead of words. I hope you enjoyed viewing my work. I enjoyed being out shooting it way more than I think you could possibly enjoy it, but either way I wanted to share the beauty and symmetry that I saw.


Anonymous said...

I love the one of the dock, right in the middle of the makes me want to sit on the end of it. Perhaps, you should do a field trip to my area and I can show you from fun spots in Quincy to photograph! If you love the's the place to be!

Jeffrey Byrnes said...

Sheryl, I think someone sitting on the end of the dock would make an even stronger composition. I thought about photographing the couple that was sitting on the dock, however they were in a seriously deep romantic moment that I felt would be intruded upon if I was to make a photograph of them. I will very much take you up on that offer. It sounds like a very great opportunity to make some astounding photographs.