I made this photograph yesterday on my way home from the studio. I am working on a project for a show coming up. I shot this from the car. I stopped at a stop sign, picked up my camera and shot this. I won't go into to much detail about what happened or what was said, but I was approached very quickly and aggressively by two individuals for making this photograph. The reason I shot this, is because this photo has a cultural quality to it. The title of the store is ethnic and this is what I was trying to shoot. However, making this photograph nearly cost me a very serious confrontation. I am now left with a photo that makes me question why people can be so aggressive.
Seriously?? Why would anyone care that you took a picture of this store front? It seems so silly....especially since the inventions of cell phone cameras...Everyone seems snap happy these days....Bizarre! There must have been something else going on behind the scenes.
On the far left, you caught a slice of the new store on High St... Retro Phanatic... did you happen to stop by yet? The owners are super nice and the inventory is interesting.
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