Sunday, October 12, 2008

Holyoke: A Sunday night in the park

Sunday night I was driving through Holyoke making my way towards High St, when I was side tracked by the little park where the Volley Ball Hall of Fame is located. I forgot the name of this little park. There are a number of Historical items located in this park. What caught my attention was how the light seemed to glow ominously as it danced amongst the trees and made its way through the park and into my lens.

A recognizable landmark.

This view is initially what made me pull over and photograph the area. When I look at this picture, it makes me think of somewhere other than Holyoke. It does not look like the city I know.

This massive, castle-like structure is a wonderful display of an architectural masterpiece. This is Holyoke City Hall. Resting on High Street, this monumental giant is a spectacular sight to see. Especially at night.


That Library Girl said...

Holyoke Heritage state park.

These are wonderful photos of it. Something like these would be great advertising for the park. One of Holyokes many little gems.

S (formerly of Modern-Guilt) said...

These are beautiful...I love a long aperture setting at night, it really brings things alive and these photos are absolutely effortless. The last one with the yellow leaves and blue night sky is particularly stunning!
Fall foliage fashion shoot next weekend sounds exciting - can't wait to see what you do with it, sure it will be brilliant!

P.S. Glad you liked ours today...we have more autumn-y stuff going up tomorrow morning but with even more of a Canadiana vibe :)