Monday, November 17, 2008

Province Town at Cape Cod, MA

The sea left for the afternoon creating this landscape.

This woman was so deep in thought. She seemed very upset.

This child was following us around the town on his bike. He was ridding around with a stern look on his face as if he was the biggest badass. I made a photograph of him and it cracked a smile on his face. Here is one of a few photos of him. He was very happy afterwards and rode away with a smile on his face and a gleam in his eye.



Why, thank you. :) My Mom thought the knee socks were silly... ah phooey! I liked 'em! ;)

Lovely photos as always. Do you ever work for Fashion magazines?? If so, you are one lucky guy!!! <3

S (formerly of Modern-Guilt) said...

The photo of the landscape is gorgeous.