One of the most exciting things about writing a photo blog or an article for my blog, is making a discovery that you know will be a great addition to your pages and enlighten your readers. I love finding photographers that are doing something so conceptual that they seem to be thinking so far outside of the box that they have forgotten what the box looks like. I follow a site called Lensculture Lensculture is a great site that has an impressively large list of contemporary photographers. I suggest taking a few minutes to look through it.
It was through Lensculture and a friend of mine, who happens to be an extremely talented illustrator, I came across the photographer Denis Darzacq Darzacq has some intense portraits. He photographs dancers in the most unique of ways as they are perfoming for him. The video below shows how he makes his photographs as the people are in motion. His work is very surreal and gives the apperance that the dancers are not even dancing, but existing in a supernatural way with in the space they are being photographed. Take a moment to watch.
Cool stuff. Darzacq is obviously using film. I found it very easy to produce similar types of photos with my D90. Much easier than I thought it would be.
Yes, He does use film. Which makes this body of work much more challenging. I have a great deal of respect for his ability to make these photographs. Shooting like this using film and trying to capture the right moment takes a certain level of control in your ability to see and be intuitive to get the right moment.
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