Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Photoshop Shut Down: A terrifying disaster.

I use photoshop regularly. By regularly, I mean obsessively. Photoshop to me, is what an enlarger used to be a photographer before digital took over the world. So naturally you can understand that if something were to say, happen to photoshop, it would be very crippling. Restoring the damage can be a very daunting task that might not even gurantee me the results I need.

So here is the problem. I opened photoshop and walked away to grab something. In the 30 seconds I was gone, a dialog box popped up. Never seeing the box before, "could not perform this action" is what the first part said. I hit ok and watched as photoshop open. Once and a while photoshop resets itself and opens all the boxes on the right side of the screen. Today, it did that very exact thing. Great! Now I have to go and restore this. So I go to the top, Window>Workspace>and looked for the very last time I saved my workspace. Now, if you are unfamiliar with what this means let me explain. Say you install a bunch of actions and set your tools to the specifications you want. Now in order to prevent from loosing all this you can go over to Window>Save Workspace>Title it the date (this is the best possible way remember when you saved it last) click the apporprate boxes, and hit save. This saves your information and your actions. So if photoshop ever resets itself, all you have to do is go to Window>Workspace>find the date saved and click on it. This would restore your last saved workspace.

Now back to my problem. I installed over 100 actions back in the fall. So very hard to find actions. I saved the workspace after loosing them once before. Tonight, as photoshop was opening, something happened. Some how, some where, all my actions and presets had vanished. I went to restore to the last time I saved the workspace, only to realized that the workspace I had saved no longer exsisted. So now I am sitting here wondering, where o' where are these actions saved on my laptop so I can reinstall them, if, if, if, that is I still have them on here. Wish me luck as I try and restore photoshop to the way it was...


Tony said...

Oof! We're all at the mercy of that whirring box and glowing monitor, aren't we...I'm still waiting for the day the main servers at Blogger crash, and all the pictures I've uploaded over the past year and a half vanish into the ether...

Jeffrey Byrnes said...

I often wonder what happens if someone receives to many hits on their blog. Do they shut down your blog and hit you with a bill or do you have endless bandwidth? As far as I know anything you upload goes right into the Picasa web album. Stumbled upon that one afternoon. I had no idea your images were backed up. But, hopefully that will never come about.

Tony said...

Blogger gives you one gigabyte free storage, after that's filled up you have to pay for more. It's like $20 per year for 10 more gigabytes, which quickly becomes neccessary for picture-heavy blogs that take up a lot of space...

Jeffrey Byrnes said...

This is good to know thank you very much. I wonder if they just add that to my credit card since I purchased the .com? I have yet to upload that many images. But thank you.

VanDog said...

My Flickr Pro account is $25 a year for unlimited storage. I like the way I can flock uploads in massive batches.

Jeffrey Byrnes said...

Ive thought about upgrading my Flickr account to Pro. But I just do not use it as much as I think I would even if I did have the Pro account. But I am still thinking about it.