Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Landscape Portraits

These are landscape portraits. I photographed them in a place that I frequently visit when I have time off, not doing a shoot, or just want to get out and see some nice scenery. My intentions were to  is to make photographs that show the likeness, personality, and the mood in which these tree can help create. This is what makes these photographs portraits of trees and not just landscape photographs. I am by no means a landscape photographer. I do however enjoy making photographs along these lines when I am not shooting for a client or working on a project.

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These next few photographs were not blurred using any photoshop blur filters. They were photographed creating this feel. 

7 8 914

This is diptych-portrait of a tree that has memories of a photo shoot that I did last year. Most of Ashley Reservoir is covered with memories that either exist in my photographs or my mind.

10 dyptich

   15  13


Tony said...

Nice work, good idea using strobe to bring out the texture...

in this case it's a good thing to not see the forest for the trees..!

Jeffrey Byrnes said...

Thank you Tony. Only thing is, I was missing a model.

VanDog said...

Love the creative use of flash. You could do a lot with this technique.

Anonymous said...

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would like youir OPINION