Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Pictorialism to me is the most influential movement and period in the History of Photography. A good deal of my personal work is heavily influenced by this movement. Any time I come across any thing relevant to pictorialism I always stop and take a moment to read or view whatever it is. I was reading an article on Pictorialism in Shutter Bug. The title of the article was Modern Pictorialism. It introduced me to the work of Brian Kosoff. An extraordinary photographer who is creating Fine Arts Masterpieces. You can view his work at http://www.kosoff.com The I read article discusses his method in which he uses a diffusion technique involved in printing his magnificent landscape photographs. Kosoff discusses how the technique he uses produces a smooth tonality in his photographs. Having done my share of darkroom printing and using films similar to what he has used I fully appreciate his method as well as the work he is producing. I strongly recommend reading the article if you're interested in Fine Arts Photography especially if you're familiar with pictorialism.



Thanks for that wonderful comment and boost of confidence. I would love a real fashion shoot, sometime. For now, it's me, the timer and the 'ol tripod.. ;)

xo/ fashion chalet

S (formerly of Modern-Guilt) said...

Hi Jeff,
Thanks so much for the comment on our blog! It's very cool coming from a photography blog, as a lot of people don't realize that a lot of work goes into the photos G takes for it.
We're really enjoying reading through LenShare and you can definitely expect repeat visits from us in the future :)

Anonymous said...

Jeff, I never expected so much passion in what you do! I can't tell you enough what a pleasure and honor it is for me to view such natural art through your eyes. You make the world stand still just by capturing the good and leaving the bad out of the picture. I guess in life we should all practice that kind of thinking. Once again Jeff GREAT WORK I look forward to viewing more! You should be proud of the work you produce...go out there and show them who you are! Love ya, Claire